Delivery Fees
Delivery fees and times vary for different products and are calculated based on the size and weight of your order and its destination. The delivery price for each order will be displayed during the checkout process, prior to payment and order confirmation and included in the total price of your order.
Delivery time
Typically, delivery occurs within 5-7 working days of us receiving your payment authorisation and cleared funds. In some cases the estimated delivery time frame will be longer, for example where items are made to order. From time to time the delivery of specific items will exceed our usual 5-7 working day delivery window for reasons outside our control. We work hard to process all orders as quickly as possible and we will send you an email to let you know when your item has been dispatched by us
Risk in the products passes to you on delivery. We do not accept liability for any loss, theft or damage to the products after delivery
Delivery methods & locations
We work with a number of delivery partners including Shiprocket and courier companies. Your order will be delivered to the delivery address provided by you.
We deliver most products India-wide. In some cases, we will only be able to deliver products in metropolitan areas. This information will be shown on the product listing. We are not able to accept orders for international delivery at this time.
Delivery failure
It is important that you verify your information is correct, especially your delivery address. If the address provided is incorrect and the package is returned, you may be billed for the additional shipping charges in order for your delivery to reach you. You agree to this by placing an order with us, we reserve the right to pass on applicable charges to you if you provide wrong address information.